Professional Burnout & Legal Setting, Resources & Recommendations | With Jim Eischen, Esq.

Air Date: NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Resources Mentioned

Jim Eischen has over 32 years of experience practicing law, and for the last ten (10) years, he has developed a national reputation as a private direct medicine, healthcare business planning and regulatory compliance attorney. Jim frequently lectures on healthcare & wellness business planning, data privacy compliance, and avoiding professional burnout.

Jim is a national expert in the creation and implementation of private direct practice models, and how to create effective healthcare/corporate platforms. In 2018 and again in 2020 he re-wrote the private direct medicine compliance chapter of the California Medical Association’s physician legal handbook. His legal analysis is peer-reviewed.

To better distribute guidance on private direct practice formation and operation best practices and compliance solutions, he formed Lofty Learning delivers educational insight to a wide audience via live/taped/audible webinars.

Jim continues to practice law and assist with practice and business formation projects throughout the US as Eischen Law Office.

Disclosure Statement: Jim Eischen is the founder/owner of Lofty Learning and Eischen Law Office

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