Lifestyle Medicine In A Concierge Medicine Practice | Meet Dr. Dorothy Serna, MD, CWP, FACP


”Since the day I opened my practice in 1998, I have always focused on providing the most thorough and best possible care for each and every patient. Unlike “high volume” practices where physicians run from room to room checking off boxes, I have always stayed true to what matters most: putting the patient first.

There is nothing more important than taking the time needed with each patient…to listen carefully, to care for the whole person, to work together to determine the best course of action. My careful attention to detail is something that patients have not only appreciated, but have come to expect—as they should!

When I integrated Wellness Coaching into my practice in 2013, I learned more fully how to guide patients towards improved health and well-being. I saw better outcomes than I had ever seen before. It was truly amazing! And as my patients did better, I found more joy in my practice – so I did better, too!

Unfortunately, in today’s healthcare environment, the required non-medical tasks and regulations threaten my ability to continue to care for my patients in this way…and this is simply unacceptable to me. Therefore, I have changed my practice in order to offer an even more personalized approach. In my smaller concierge practice, my ability to devote time and attention to provide compassionate care to my patients is even better.

We have same day appointments with little or no waiting in a wait room. Patients are able to reach me easily and directly on my cell phone, 24/7, we continue to integrate the benefits of Wellness Coaching and Lifestyle Medicine…and so much more. I could not be more excited about the opportunity to offer you an unprecedented level of care. I hope you will join me.”

Dorothy C. Serna, MD, CWP, FACP



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